When Love Forces You Into The Spotlight

Barbara Carson Todd
8 min readSep 17, 2018
“woman and toddler in TP tent” by Hannah Olinger on Unsplash

5 Things I Would Never Do For Myself

If your child has special needs, you carry an extra burden, more so if you’re a single parent. If you’re normally a very shy person, like me, it will be a shock to find yourself thrust into the public spotlight. But moms and dads will do things for their children they’d never do for themselves.

Having a child with special needs changes you. It has to. Here’s your challenge, go solve it. If you look at the whole picture, you realize you just can’t do it. That’s why some parents will give their child up for adoption or abandon them. No judgement. I know that sudden terror of “Oh my God, what am I going to do? I don’t know anything about” — whatever your child’s diagnosis is.

The Toughest Year Of My Life

When my younger son was born, my husband was openly living with his girlfriend and coming ‘home’ on weekends. We were headed for divorce and I was already raising three children by myself. Then, I found out I was pregnant. When my younger son was born, he brought along a twin sister. Seven weeks premature, in distress. Later that day, I found out his diagnosis and my heart sank like a stone.

In The Midst of Battle, You Learn To Survive

